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Things I love

wedding kiss love

about him. In no particular order…

He is always warm, no matter what the temperature is he is always feels like a hot water bottle to me.

The way he looks at me in bed at night with sleepy eyes just before we turn the light out.

How he can always make me laugh even when I am sad, or grumpy, or worried, or cross.

His beautiful large hands that can caress me so softly and spank me so harshly.

The mischievous little twinkle he gets in his eye.

How he kisses me.

How he talks to me.

How he holds my hand whenever we walk anywhere together.

The noise he makes when he comes.

The way he smells, oh he smells sooooo good.

The fact he always believes in me.

The way he knows me better than I know myself.

His generosity.

His brain.

His voice.

The soft hairs on his chest.

The fact he always shaves his balls because he knows I like it.

How he always wants to hear my opinion and really listens to what I say.

When he comforts me in the night after I have had a bad dream.

The fact he loves to cook.

His ability to fix almost anything, and if its tech related then it has no chance what so ever.

When he plays guitar.

The look of intense concentration on his face when he is doing kinky things to me.

The way he calls me a crazy lady and makes it sound like he is saying I love you.

His beautiful cock.

But most of all what I love about him is that I belong to him.


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