Eroticonlive starts tomorrow (well tonight if you count the meet and greet) and I can’t wait for another great event. What makes it great in my opinion isn’t the actual event, although it is fabulous and Ruby, the sponsors and others put so much work into making it great, but really it is the people who come that make it something very special.
We were having a talk at breakfast about what an amazing thing it is and as we walked back to the hotel I had a little bit of time to process exactly why I found it so wonderful.
What I finally settled on was Passion. Everyone that attends cares about what they do, and not just a little. There are session on so many different areas that matter to writers and bloggers and photographers that it always just boggles my mind.
So in just over an hour or so we will head off to the Raddison Blu and we will see old friends and meet new people and they will all be gathered in one place for the next few days to celebrate the joys and trials of having this particular passion. We will all bask in the friendship and shared knowledge and while we certainly will not all agree on everything ,we will be in a group where for once we can share freely the passion that binds us all together. A space where we can say openly what we do without fear of condemnation.
Most communities don’t labor under the same onus as we do. They can tell their neighbors that they are going to a conference on accounting, or technology, or hair dressing and it doesn’t raise an eyebrow. But tell them you are going to learn about writing erotica and see how well that goes.
And that is what this conference does, it gives us a place for a few days each year where we can all share our passion freely.
That, is a precious thing.
P.S. The picture for this post is one that I have actually taken. It is of a solar tree. A solar tree that is a place where you can charge your phone for free. I liked the metaphor for gathering our passion and sharing it with others.