Hello fellow Eroticoners’… Eroticoneers… Eroticonites?
Whatever you want to be called, I am here to share some very personal information so that when you come to Eroticon you know something about me.
I really look forward to see all the friends I have met over the many years I have been involved with Eroticon as well as all the people that are coming for the first time.
So read on and marvel that I can function in society at all.
NAME (and Twitter if you have one)
Michael Knight but you can call me Michael, only Michael, not any diminutive or derivation, deviations will be considered on a case by case basis @domsigns
What are you most looking forward to about Eroticon 2018?
For it to be over and a rousing success? Really it has always been about the people. I love seeing all the work and planning we do come together and make all those who attend and speak come away with a sense of joy and community.
We are creating a play list of songs for the Friday Night Meet and Greet. Nominate one song that you would like us to add to the play list and tell us why you picked that song
They Might be Giants-Birdhouse In Your Soul
It is profound and whimsical, it makes me smile and sing.
What’s the first career you dreamed of having as a kid?
I had a common dream that many youths do of being a Rockstar. Needles to say I don’t actually have enough talent for that. But I did get to have a long career as a concert sound engineer that was the best gig I ever had.
Weirdest place you’ve ever gotten up to mischief (define ‘mischief’ however you like…)
I suppose that would have to be the blowjob I got in the backseat of my Dad’s car as he drove us to a camping trip in Maine.
Tell us two truths and a lie about yourself
I have a horribly deformed toenail.
I have climbed on a Saturn V booster rocket.
I have never exchanged sex for food and a bed.
Complete the sentence: I want..
a palanquin.
See all the other Greeters’
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