So when is it a kink too far? Oddly this post was inspired by a song (I know you are tired of my musical references) that leapt into my brain. AC/DC “A Touch Too Much” I got me thinking about people who are put off some aspects of the kink that Molly and I practice. I know that for some the knives and blood can really squick some people out and I know that Molly and I have been to play events where we have seen kinks that make us wince as well and how we deal with those is important because we need to understand that what turns us on may not be what turns other on.
I have a post in drafts that I know will make some people uncomfortable, and some people won’t want to read it at all because of how this kink makes them feel. It won’t stop me from writing about it. It just made me think how some people have trouble accepting other kinks. This is not a judgement, just a statement of fact.
As I have said many times before that to me the key is always informed consent. So long as everyone involved is of age and in their right mind then who are we to judge what turns them on? But is there a limit, or are all kinks acceptable even if they push right to the edge of societal boundaries?
Sure there are plenty of kinks that might not turn us on, but we still accept them even without understanding them. I have a great many friends that are very into latex and I don’t get it at all. But it also doesn’t make me uncomfortable. So I thought I would ask you dear reader to tell me what you think might be…
A touch too much.
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