Holding kitten's hand for partings



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Kitten is asleep and we are are at Molly’s parents for a birthday celebration. I  have been put to work gutter cleaning and I am making dinner as well.

What does any of this have to do with D/s and kink? Well it is about having a poly relationship and some of the unexpected things that come along with that. Everything I have just talked about could be from anyone’s monogamous life and yet I have a girlfriend. A long distance girlfriend who works 12 hour shifts, sometimes days and sometimes nights.

And I miss her. That is an odd thing when I have the Molly I love by my side every day and that makes me happy and yet miss the girlfriend I love and be sad.

Kitten has gone back home. She was here for over a month and to say that it was amazing would be underselling it.

But she is gone now and I miss her and that is really what this post is about. I never thought that after meeting Molly and moving to the UK I would ever find myself in another relationship, never mind one that was LDR. But here I am, well really, here we are.

She will be back in October and we spend as much time as possible together on Skype and that is wonderful but not as good as when she is here.

I find myself trying to juggle these conflicting feelings in a balanced way where I can acknowledge the fact that kitten and I miss each other and that can sometimes make us sad while at the same time being happy with Molly.

I never gave much thought to these topics before now and to be honest now that I am I have been avoiding the “How to do Poly right” sites because find most of the stuff I have read I find to be A) sanctimonious or B) absolutist, I am aware that now that I have said these things my timeline and the comments on the blog will be full of links to Poly sites that aren’t like that. And feel free to suggest them but know that I might not read them. I know that may seem counter productive but I have read millions of words on handling jealousy in open and Poly relationships so it isn’t lack of research. It is lack of finding anything that speaks to our unique dynamic.

I do know somethings to be true.

Molly, kitten, and I will find our way through this with love, respect, constant communication, and growth. None of us knows what the future will bring, but we do know that we have found a thing that works for us and that is enough for now.

Hurry up October, because while old Will said

“Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow
That I shall say good night till it be morrow.”
It is really more sorrow than sweet and October is much further off than tomorrow



One response to “Partings”

  1. Aww. This made me a little teary. It is hard being apart from you, but it’s easier because I get to see you regularly on skype. I wish I could make it totally easy and be there all the time. It makes me happy to see both you and Molly together though.

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