Tag: eroticon
Shoot for the moon
I know I haven’t written much about our D/s, but wow has life been busy. It’s half term (one of the many breaks in the English school schedule) and so the kids have been around. This requires poor Molly to have to run them hither and yon to various engagement with their friends. Oh, and…
London Calling
So the news I have been hinting at has been let out of the bag. It is official, Molly, Girl on the Net, and my humble self will be running Eroticon. Now we haven’t announced a exact date, but keep March clear and we haven’t announced the specific venue, but we have looked at many…
The Building Society for a Better Tomorrow
Yesterday was a good day. In spite of the torrential rain that caused a flood in our back corridor we accomplished a lot. We were in London and there were folks from the Remain campaign asking if everyone had voted while we visited various parts of the city. In the end we all agreed that…
No Such Thing as the Real World
A phrase you hear a lot when you move in the circles that we do is “In my real life” Whenever anyone says it everyone nods their head because they know that they have to lead two lives. What gets me is that one is referred to as the real one. I get why. If…
The Passion of the Write
Eroticonlive starts tomorrow (well tonight if you count the meet and greet) and I can’t wait for another great event. What makes it great in my opinion isn’t the actual event, although it is fabulous and Ruby, the sponsors and others put so much work into making it great, but really it is the people…