Tag: Time
Does Anybody Know What Time It Is?
Molly is not a woman who orgasms at the drop of a hat. It almost always involves her rubbing her clit while other activities take place. It requires a specific finger and her special fingernail. It can’t be too moist or there isn’t enough friction for the magical event to take place. It took her…
I would do it all again
Time is a funny thing. When Molly and I were LDR it seemed to creep so slowly. Days felt like weeks, weeks like months. Our visits were as frequent as we could make them and always amazing but during those moments time seemed to fly. We have been married five years today. It has been…
Time waits for no one
Damn, have we been busy. We always have a lot going on. Two teenagers for Molly to haul hither and yon. Two cats to look after, one who got shut in a neighbors shed for a day and a bit causing us no end of stress. Molly has her 365 project, her Sinful Sunday project,…
Time, time, time, is on our side
Molly and I work from home, we are together, on average, 22 hours a day. I love it. I know many people don’t understand how we can spend so much time in each others company and not kill each other. Now that isn’t to say we don’t get on each others nerves or get upset…
The Mathematics of Love
Love is indeed not like a pie. You have an unlimited supply of love to give to your sub/Dom/partner/wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend/family/metamour/significant other. You can love whoever and whatever you choose and go back to the bottomless well of love for more. You never run out of pie. You do, however, run out of time. Time, it seems,…
No Time Left for You
So how do you manage when you feel there is no time left for you? The other day I ask my meager number of followers on twitter if they had any questions about/for us (Luckily Molly retweeted it) and I thought I would tackle, in order, some of the questions posed. This was the first.…