Tag: work
I rise to the challenge
I love working with my hands. It doesn’t matter if it is taking apart a piece of electronics that have gone haywire or building a fence. Even redoing the surround that was falling apart on the front of our house, an arduous task that involved many hours of sanding, filling, sanding some more, and painting…
All in a days work
I have spent most of this week battling with an Apple PC, now I am not going to rant about how much I dislike these things because that is what Twitter is for. I am just trying to help out the parent of the stepdaughters best friend. It has been a long arduous battle trying…
And I’ll tell you, straight in the eye
My Dad was good with his hands, well with cars at least and I started off with holding the drop light, graduated to handing him tools and eventually with fixing the problem myself. This suited me because I have always liked knowing how things work. I took apart a fair few household appliances and my…
I’d like a little head
I am not the best. I know that. I am not the best Dom, Man, Husband, Geek, not the best at anything. I think it is good that I know that. It has been my experience that when you think you are the best at something you tend to stop striving to be better. And…
I’m not Sitting on the Fence
We have had better than expected weather this week, why it might even be considered Summer. Now I am very sure that the weather will turn and you will see Molly on twitter complaining about the rain and the grey and the cold. But for now, as the saying goes, make hay while the sun…