Tag: history

  • Mixing it up

    Mixing it up


    in ,

    There is a feeling you get when you are in control. I am someone whose job it was to be in control. I used to use this everyday And one of my favorite places to use it was here I am in the tower in the crowd in this shot mixing sound at The Jacksonville…

  • The Building Society for a Better Tomorrow

    The Building Society for a Better Tomorrow



    Yesterday was a good day. In spite of the torrential rain that caused a flood in our back corridor we accomplished a lot. We were in London and there were folks from the Remain campaign asking if everyone had voted while we visited various parts of the city. In the end we all agreed that…

  • Like father, like son

    Like father, like son



    My Father sucked, never once in his whole life did he tell me he loved me. He never told me that he was proud of me or that I had done anything well. My Father died relatively young at the age of 62 in a hospital in North Carolina. I had to make the decision…

  • Raise up a child in the way they should go

    Raise up a child in the way they should go



    And when they are old they will not depart from it. Who we are is in no small part built from how we were raised. When I look back over my childhood (as much as I remember, parts of the 70’s are a bit of a blur) I remember an odd child, not socially accepted…

  • 88 Pounds

    88 Pounds



    I thought I would share a piece of writing that I posted elsewhere a long time ago. This was written just after I left the US to live in this weird tea obsessed country 88 Pounds That number has been rolling around in my head for the last week. 88 pounds that represent my former…

  • Breakfast Club

    Breakfast Club



    Once upon a time in a land far away (both in distance and time) from now, there was a young man. That young man found himself cast adrift in the world and completely on his own. With no money and no place to call home this young man did what he had to do to…